Ulrich von Liechtenstein Lichtenstein#
b. around 1200, d. between 1275 and 1277 (tomb in the parish church of Frauenburg, Styria), medieval minnesinger and epic poet. Belonged to the Styrian nobility in the king's service. Became a leading nobleman in Styria, intervening in conflicts on numerous occasions, as Lord High Steward in 1241 and as Provincial Judge and Provincial Governor in 1245; supported the party of Duke Friedrich II and Rudolf von Habsburg. As a minneknight he went on tilting tours (1227 "Venusfahrt", 1240 "Artusfahrt"), which he described in the "Frauendienst" (1255), an autobiography written in line with the literary traditions of the day. Author of 57 minnelieder ( Minnesong) and the "Frauenbuch", a textbook of minnesong (1257. In his poetry (especially in the "Frauenbuch"), which proves him a master of form and a realistic observer of everyday life, he complains about the decline of cultural refinement at court.
Edition: U. v. L., ed. by K. Lachmann, 1841 (reprint 1974).
U. Peters, Frauendienst, 1971.