Environmental Protection, in Austria embodied in the Federal Constitutional Law on comprehensive environmental protection, Federal Law Gazette no. 491/1984, for the first time in 1984, including the declaration of intention to preserve the natural environment against detrimental effects as the basis for the existence of mankind; also regulated in numerous laws in the fields of Waste Management, Protection of Bodies of Water, air quality conservation, Protection of Nature, noise abatement, etc. Environmental protection is incumbent on numerous authorities of all territorial entities. Technological progress and Austria's accession to the European Union make constant changes necessary. The most advanced laws are those on Environmental Impact Assessment and the Umweltfoerderungsgesetz (law on the promotion of environmental protection). The Nationaler Umweltplan (National Environmental Plan) aims at planning Austria's environmental policy on a long-term basis while including all trades and environmental media, an approach new to the field of environmental protection.