Verband Österreichischer Zeitungen#
Verband Oesterreichischer Zeitungen, VOeZ (Austrian Newspaper Association, until 1996 Verband oesterreichischer Zeitungsherausgeber und Zeitungsverleger), founded May 4, 1946, voluntary association of owners, publishers, editors and other journalistic, commercial and technical staff members of daily and weekly newspapers and magazines; represents the interests of Austria's 15 dailies and 64 weeklies and magazines (1999) vis-à-vis the government, business and the general public. It defends freedom of expression as a fundamental right and fights for the preservation of media variety, promotes reading and supports newspaper companies ( (see) Press) as they strive to develop into communication companies. Jointly with the (see) Concordia Press Club and the International Press Institute (IPI) the Association sponsors the Concordia Award for Human Rights and Freedom of the Press. It has cooperated with (see) ORF and (see) Austrian College since 1999 in organising the Alpbach Media Symposium. Since 1953 publisher of the annual Press Handbook.
W. Schaffelhofer, Der oesterreichische Verband der Zeitungsherausgeber und Zeitungsverleger, in: A. Fritz and F. Ivan (ed.): Zukunftsunternehmen Zeitung, 1995; Presse 1999, Dokumentation, Analysen, Fakten - Taetigkeitsbericht des VOeZ, 1999.