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unbekannter Gast

Viennaòs English Theatre#

Vienna´s English Theatre, founded in 1963 by F. Schafranek and his wife R. Brinkmann; originally only a summer theatre for English-speaking tourists, soon developed into a touring company (performing mainly in schools), mostly playing two-person plays with R. Brinkmann and a guest partner); playing all year round since 1971, has performed in its own theatre in Vienna's 8th district since 1974; soon gained international renown (1976 world première of T. Williams´ "The Red Devil Battery Sign", 1991 world première of E. Albees' "Three Tall Women"; European premières); guest performances by international theatre and film stars. Vienna's English Theatre co-operates with Vienna's other 2 foreign language theatres, the Theâtre Français de Vienne (since 1978) and the Teatro Italiano (since 1986) under the common name "Inter-Thalia Theater".