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unbekannter Gast


Vorderberg, Carinthia, village in the district of Hermagor, alt. 565 m, located in the middle part of the Gail Valley, cadastral district of the municipality St. Stefan im Gailtal. - Late Gothic parish church of St. Peter and St. Paul (late 15th  century) with winged altar (early 16th  century); late Gothic filial church Maria im Graben (15th  century) with frescoes (15th  century) and 2 winged altar panels (around 1500); late Gothic wood carved figures and stained glass fragment are displayed in the Diocesan Museum in Klagenfurt.


H. Grafenauer, Geschichte der Katastralgemeinde Vorderberg/Blače von 1830 bis zur 2. Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts., master´s thesis, Klagenfurt, 1988.