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Weißenbach am Lech#

Weissenbach am Lech (Tirol), municipality in the district of Reutte, alt. 887 m, pop. 1,297, area 81.84 km2, summer tourist resort (70,392 overnight stays in 1992) at the confluence of the Weissenbach stream (Tannheim Valley) and Rotlech stream, at the foot of the Gaicht Pass. - Kolping holiday centre for young people; gypsum mining and processing, concrete factory, tool manufacturers. - Documented mention around 1200; Roman grave finds on the former "Via Decia" (from 250 A.D.) leading from Reutte to Bregenz, in the 16th century this route led through a winegrowing area and was used for the transport of salt. - Baroque parish church (1734-1738) with neo-Romanesque altars; Oelberggrotte gorge (19th century); chapel with Gothic group of figures (around 1490) in Gaicht. - Customs and traditions: "Scheibenschlagen" (burning wooden discs are hurled down into the valley using poles or switches; lasts several days, starts on the first Sunday of Lent).