Weilhartforst Woodland, Upper Austria, rather densely wooded area in the south-west of the Innviertel Region, on the Bavarian border (River Salzach). The Weilhartforst Woodland forms part of the hilly morainic landscape created by the ice-age Salzach glacier and the sheetwash areas (low terraces) of the late Ice Age; it comprises the elevated Oberer Weilhartforst (alt. up to 528 m) and, to the north, the lower Unterer Weilhartsforst. Half of the woodland is supervised and cultivated by the Castell forest enterprise, the other half belongs to individual farmers; mostly beeches and spruces. Villages at the edge of Weilhartforst Woodland: Hochburg (Castell Castle), Geretsberg and Ueberackern.