Werkschulheime, type of boarding school combining a 9-year course of studies at a Realgymnasium secondary school with training in handicrafts, originally private experimental schools. In 1951, a Werkschulheim was established at Felbertal, and today there are such schools at Ebenau near Salzburg (students take the "Reifepruefung" exam required for university entrance as well as apprentices´ final examination in wood or metal processing or as radio technicians) and at Reutte (Plansee School, in 1968 transformed into a Bundesrealgymnasium secondary school, one branch continues to offer the combination of "Reifepruefung" exam and apprenticeship in metallurgy). Werkschulheime are classified as advanced-level boarding schools Internatsschulen.
C. Plankensteiner, Das Werkschulheim Felbertal, doctoral thesis, Salzburg 1990.