Wiesinger, Karl Pseudonym Max Maetz#
b. Linz (Upper Austria), March 13, 1923, d. Linz (Upper Austria), Feb. 10, 1991, dentist, dramatist, narrative writer. In his work opposed fascism, neo-nazism and bourgeois interpretation of literature (novel: "Achtunddreissig", 1967).
Further works#
Dramas: Der Poet am Nil, 1951; Der grosse Wugram, 1954; Jahrmarkt der Gefuehle, 1954; Gras fuer Bueffel, 1955; General Kisch, 1962. - Novels: Grossraumaktion - Max Maetz, 1971; Max Maetz Weilling, Land und Leute, 1972; Zemm, 1975; Standrecht, 1976; Der Wolf, 1980.Literature#
C. Schnalzer-Beiglboeck, K. W. (1923-1991), master´s thesis, Vienna 1995.