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unbekannter Gast

Wisinger-Florian, Olga#

b. Vienna, Nov. 1, 1844,d. Grafenegg (Lower Austria), Feb. 27, 1926, landscape and flower painter. Pianist for some years before she became a disciple of M. Fritsch and A. Schaeffer von Wienwald and turned to painting; from 1880 a disciple of E. J. Schindler, with whom she went on various study trips. From 1884 Schindler and W.-F. painted the countryside surrounding the Castle of Plankenberg (Lower Austria), where she came into close contact with Schindler's other disciples T. Blau-(Lang), M. Egner and C. Moll. An outstanding representative of Austrian Impressionist painting.


M. Schwab, O. W.-F., master's thesis, Vienna 1991; R. Mueller and P. Weninger, Die Schule von Plankenberg, exhibition guide, Vienna, 1991.