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unbekannter Gast

Wulfenia carinthiaca#

Wulfenia carinthiaca, Carinthian wulfenia, commonly known in Austria as "Kuhtritt" ("cow´s footprint"), herbaceous Alpine plant belonging to the figwort family or Scrophulariaceae, has shiny leaves and a hairy stem of around 20-40 cm length with clusters of blue blossoms. In Europe, the Wulfenia carinthiaca can only be found on the Carinthian and Italian sides of Gartnerkofel Mountain (the closest relative is W. blecicii in the Prokletije mountains in the borderland of Montenegro/Albania/Kosovo); discovered by Baron F. X. von Wulfen in 1779.


W. Adler, K. Oswald and R. Fischer, Exkursionsflora von Oesterreich, 1994.