Zeemann, Dorothea eigentlich Dora Holzinger#
b. Vienna, April 20, 1909, d. Vienna, Dec. 11, 1993, narrative writer and author of radio plays, nurse. Secretary-general of the Austrian P. E. N.-Club from 1970-1972. Started her career as an author at the beginning of the 1980s with autobiographical texts ("Einuebung in Katastrophen", 1979; "Jungfrau und Reptil", 1982) in which she revealed among other things her intimate relationship to Heimito von Doderer; in her later works she mainly dealt with forms of female sexuality ("Eine Liebhaberin", 1989).
Further works#
Novels: Das Rapportbuch, 1959; Eine unsympathische Frau, 1983; Das heimliche Fest, 1986; Reise mit Ernst, 1991.