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unbekannter Gast

Zeiller, Martin#

b. Ranten (Styria), April 17, 1589, d. Ulm (Germany), Oct. 6, 1661, writer, topographer, translator. Private tutor and secretary to the Protestant nobility in Upper Austria from 1612-1629; travelled to France and Italy; 1633 teacher at the grammar school in Ulm; 1643 inspector responsible for German schools; became a popular 17th century writer; especially famous for his itineraries (1632-1640) and the manual "Fidus Achates oder der getreue Rayssgefaert" (1651); wrote the text to Matthaeus Merian´s "Topographiae Germaniae" (from 1642).

Further works#

Episteln oder Sendschreiben ..., 6 vols., 1640-1647; Chronicon parvum Sueviae ..., 1653; Handbuch von allerley ... Denckwuerdigkeiten ..., 1655; Collectanea Oder Nachdenckliche Reden ..., 1658; Miscellanea Oder Allerley ... denckwuerdige Sachen ..., 1661. - Translations of French texts.


W. Kuehlmann, Lektuere fuer den Buerger, in: W. Brueckner et al. (eds.), Literatur und Volk im 17. Jh., 1982.