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Zell, Kärnten#

Zell, Carinthia, municipality in the district of Klagenfurt, alt. 948 m, pop. 738, area 75.29 km2, in the Karawanken Mountain Range, at the foot of the Koschuta Mountain Range near the Slovenian border; with quarters Zell-Freibach (Slovenian Sele-Frajbah), Zell-Pfarre (Sele-Fara), Zell-Koschuta (Sele-Košuta), Zell-Homoelisch (Sele-Homeliše), Zell-Schaida (Sele-Šajda), Zell-Mitterwinkel (Sele-Srednji Kot), and Zell-Oberwinkel (Sele-Zvrhnji Kot). - Training centre for customs officials (Zoll-Fortbildungszentrum Sued), Koschutahaus mountain refuge (1,280 m) run by the Naturfreunde (society of "nature lovers"). - Old parish church (first documented mention of a church in 1364, present church built in the 2nd half of the 15th century, converted in Baroque style in the 18th century); new parish church (1960).