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Zell am See#

Zell am See, province of Salzburg, town in the district of Zell am See, alt. 757 m, pop. 8,760, area 55.17 km2, climatic health resort, bi-seasonal tourist centre (1,475,333 overnight stays in 1992, predominantly in the winter season); traffic junction on a peninsular-like fan delta on the western shore of Lake Zeller See, principal town of the Pinzgau Region; ship landing stage. - District commission, local court, labour market service, tax office and office of surveying, Chamber of Labour, Vocational Training Institute, local chamber of agriculture, hospital, local health and social insurance agency, social centre, national park administrative office of the Salzburg National Park Fund, local office for torrent and avalanche control, probation office, family and youth counselling centre, child guidance clinic, Kitzsteinhorn youth hostel, youth centres, airfield (air traffic control branch unit of the Federal Office for Civil Aviation, glider school), several secondary schools, e.g. Bundes-Realgymnasium (BRG), Handelsakademie (HAK), vocational school, school for nurses, adult education centre (VHS), town library, golf course, ice-rink, spa and sports centre, sporting grounds, pumping station of the Reinhalteverband (central control station), central sewage works, Prielau water works, Schmittenhoehebahn gondola ropeways ( Schmittenhoehe Mountain, 1,965 m, built 1927, oldest aerial cableway in the province of Salzburg) and Sonnalmbahn (Sonnalm mountain, 1,380 m), monocable continuous ropeways, Zell am See Mountain Railway and Areitbahn (Areitalm mountain, 1,395 m); service sector dominant (1991, about 80 % of the 6,233 people employed), mainly due to tourism (hotel and catering industry, trade, financial centre), due to its functions as a central town, also personal, social and public services; printing industry. - Documented mention as "Bisonzio" before 788, named Zell im Pinzgau 1287-1810, town status since 1928; town parish church, Romanesque pier basilica (around 1130) with early Gothic choir (around 1325), late Gothic west tower (mid-15th century), Gothic wall paintings (14th -15th  century) and neo-Gothic altars; town parish church (1964-1966); Protestant Resurrection church (1958); Calvary; Rosenberg Palace, built 1577-1580 as residence of a mine owner's family, town hall since 1980 (with gallery); early mediaeval Landvogt or Kastner tower (town museum); late historicist buildings.


E. Hoelzl, Geschichte von Zell am See, 1975; W. Thaler, 1978. Jubilaeumsjahr in Zell am See, 1978; E. Hoelzl, 1200 Jahre Zell am See. Eine Heimatchronik, 1989.