Zellweker, Edwin#
b. Vienna, April 9, 1883, d. Vienna, April 1, 1953, literary historian, adult educator, writer. Until 1934 headmaster of a Realgymnasium seconday school, from 1945 Director General in the Ministry of Education.
Prolog und Epilog im deutschen Drama, 1906; Goethe in der Anekdote, 1935; M. Willemer, 1949; Bad Ischl, 1951; Das Urbild des Sarastro. Ignaz v. Born, 1953. - Ed.: Yearbook "Frohes Schaffen", 1947ff.; Danubia-Lexikon, 2 vols., 1949; works by L. Anzengruber, F. Grillparzer, A. Stifter and others.