Second Domicile (second home), place of residence besides the principle domicile, from where people go to work or school or which serves as a holiday domicile. An estimated 10 % of all households have a second domicile, amongst inhabitants of Vienna nearly 20 %. In addition, there are second domiciles owned by foreigners. Altogether, at least 350,000 homes in Austria are used as second domiciles. The concentration of second domiciles in regions with great holiday and recreational opportunities aggravates conflicts about land exploitation there. The great demand for more second domiciles forces up land prices and drives out the local population. On the other hand, second domiciles are welcome in the context of regional planning on the outskirts of cities and in regions which are affected by migration as they guarantee the maintenance of the architectural fabric.
OeROK (ed.), Oesterr. Raumordnungskonzept, 1992.