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Discussion Forum#

Here one has the possibility to discuss issues arising from the English booklet with samples of the achievements of Franz Weiss and arising from the paper "Interactive books as alternative to e-Learning systems". To contribute to the discussion it is sufficient to be logged in and to use from the Menu in the upper right corner the option "Kommentar hinzufügen".
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Hermann Maurer, April 2019

I like the idea to augment a book with mulitmedia elements. I was one of the persons involved in the first experiment with school children, see Unterrichtsmaterialien/Interact_-_Reflect where I contributed mainly to the book Hanani and Christian.

-- Probst Anna, Dienstag, 16. April 2019, 12:02

I find it interesting that there is information on a Styrian artist in English. Is there also information on him in other languages?

-- Sammer Peter, Dienstag, 16. April 2019, 13:55

Yes, there is e.g. a set of books containing all the same pictures, but the explanantions/texts are in different languages:

-- Probst Anna, Dienstag, 16. April 2019, 14:01

Austria-Forum.org is mainly based on German. But there are also some multi-language versions, like about Weiss, as discussed above, or the PEACE project supporting German, English, Italian, Spanish, Arabic and Hebrew. English occurs quite a bit, like in Geography (hundreds of stories and videos are in English), or consider the 24 volume encyclopaedia Kronprinz Rudolf's, that is available also in Hungarian, just to present some samples.

-- Maurer Hermann, Dienstag, 16. April 2019, 14:12