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unbekannter Gast

Geographic distribution#

Works of Franz Weiss can be found today in most areas of the world. Many pieces are in private possession and hence their current location is often unknown. Yet former friends of Weiss have attempted to compile a list of the known spots:

Austria-Forum hast atttempted to provide a graphical map of where and how many places there are in Styria, the state of Austria with capital Graz, th eprovince Weiss lived in. Here is a pointer to the map of Styria: The numbers are showing how many locations are in a particular area. (We cannot show you the map as such due to copyright restrictions of Google). You can see that there are 17 places near Graz with works from Weiss. Zooming in you find West of Graz Koiflach, further zooming in shows you the Sankt Barbara Kirche NE of it. Klicking at it gives you a contribution on the village aof Bärnbach:

Page taken fromm Austria-Forum.org, permission granted
and at the end an entry "FRANZ WEISS, Arbeiten in Bärnbach". If you now klick at it you will be surprised how much Weiss did in Baernbach and environment:

Bild 'Werke in Barnbach'

The fact that some 30 pieces of art of Weiss are located here is less surprising if you know that he lived nearby, and built the church/chapel of Tregist as part of his vow with his own money.

The chapel is decorated inside and out with frescoes showing biblical stories, but also shows Weiss' sense of humor: in one flags you can read "Tschernobyl", a topic hot when the chapel was built.

We have a separate collection of pictures of the chapel under Tregister Chapel and will refer to them later. So will see them if you keep following links in the book :-)

If you are too curious, ok, klick here.