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unbekannter Gast

Laura von Krusemark#

Laura von Krusemark
Click on textpages to the right for better reading and on photos below to fully appreciate their beauty. No reproduction of the pictures is permitted!

Photos of some of Laura's artistic work#

Forgiveness.(12x15). Charcoal on a warm yellow ochre watercolor ground with gold powder painted details. This image embodies the idea of awakening to greater love and peace through forgiveness.
© Laura von Krusemark
Angel of Light. (15x18).Charcoal on Bristol paper with acetone textural details. A portrait study with focus on texture, light and movement...she expresses the idea of being in a pure state of bliss.
© Laura von Krusemark
Spirit of Winter.(24x30). Oil on panel. This piece represents the ancient feminine spirit of winter and the emotional realm of which it holds. She is the archetype for this season of internal awareness.
© Laura von Krusemark
Surrender.(12x15). Charcoal on Bristol paper with acetone textural details. This subject encourages us to let go and be free in the current moment, to be open and surrender to the higher self.
© Laura von Krusemark
Eternal Spring - The Goddess Alma. (36x48). Watercolor on board with mixed media rice paper, pastel and gold details. The female archetype in this painting full of light represents an awakening within and presents it as an outward radiance.
© Laura von Krusemark