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Cathedral of Elne#

Cathédrale Sainte-Eulalie-et-Sainte-Julie, Elne, Photo: Florent Pécassou From: Wikicommons under CC
Cathédrale Sainte-Eulalie-et-Sainte-Julie, Elne
Photo: Florent Pécassou From: Wikicommons under CC

Elne Cathedral is a former Roman Catholic cathedral, and a national monument of France, located in the town of Elne in the County of Roussillon.

It was the seat of the former Bishopric of Elne, which was transferred to the Bishopric and cathedral of Perpignan in 1601.

The cathedral was consecrated in 1069.

In 1285, during the Aragonese Crusade, French troops sacked the town and massacred the townspeople who had taken refuge in the cathedral.