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Apprentice Training, also called dual training, in Austria carried out in firms in combination with compulsory attendance of a vocational school. The most important legal basis of vocational training is the (Berufsausbildungsgesetz) Vocational Training Act (1969 as amended in 1993). In-company training is based on a series of regulations by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs. The list of all occupations requiring apprenticeship enumerates all recognised arts, crafts and trades subject to apprenticeship, the period of apprenticeship (from 2 to 4 years, usually 3 years) and the "kinship rules" between the different occupations subject to apprenticeship. Apprenticeship regulations provide a job profile with abilities and knowledge for every occupation subject to apprenticeship which are the basis for the training of apprentices in companies. Authorities of first instance for affairs concerning apprentices are the apprentices´ offices, which are part of the Economic Chambers in the 9 federal provinces. Their tasks include the supervision of in-company training.

The vocational school is a part-time school which apprentices attend during their apprenticeship. It is meant to provide basic theoretical knowledge in specific occupation-related courses, promoting and complementing training in companies and extending general education. The attendance of vocational secondary schools replaces either the whole or a part of the apprenticeship of the respective occupation subject to apprenticeship.

In 1994 47 % of young people from the age of 15 to 19 were apprentices; apprentices of 229 different occupations requiring apprenticeship were taught in 211 vocational schools, 90 % of apprentices were trained in the 10 most popular occupations. The share of apprentices with a mother tongue other than German increased considerably from 1989 until 1992 (from 14 % to 29.2 %).


R. Leo, Die duale Lehrlingsausbildung in Oesterreich, master´s thesis, Vienna, 1994.