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unbekannter Gast

Marx, Joseph#

b. Graz (Styria), May 11, 1882, d. Graz, Sept. 3, 1964, composer of late Romanticism, teacher and music critic. From 1914 to 1952 taught music theory at the Academy of Music in Vienna, which he directed from 1922 to 1927. 1947 to 1952 Professor of Musicology at the University of Graz; music critic for the papers "Neues Wiener Journal" and "Wiener Zeitung". 1947-1964 president of the Oesterreichischer Komponistenbund (Austrian Society of Composers; 1947-1949 together with R. Sieczynski), 1946-1964 president of the Society for the Publication of " Denkmaeler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich" and from 1950-1964 president of the AKM Intellectual Property Protection Society. Grand Austrian State Prize 1951, Austrian Decoration for Science and Art 1957, honorary member of the Academy of Sciences, grave of honour at Vienna's Central Cemetery.


Italienisches Liederbuch, 1912; Verklaertes Jahr, 1932; choir and song publications, string quartet, piano pieces, symphonies. - Written works: Harmonielehre, 1933; Kontrapunktlehre, 1935; Betrachtungen eines romantischen Realisten, 1946; Weltsprache Musik, 1964.


A. Liess, J. M., 1943; E. Werba, J. M., 1964; NDB.