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unbekannter Gast


Mattsee, province of Salzburg, market town in the district of Salzburg-Land, alt. 506 m, pop. 2,550 (2,089 in 1981), area 24.60 km2, summer resort situated between Lake Obertrumer See and Lake Mattsee in the Flachgau (one of Salzburg´s five main regions).- Health-resort home offering special mud-baths, former monastery rooms open to the public, cultural centre, camping area for Boy Scout and Girl Guide troops at Zellhof (part of Mattsee); shoe factory, boat-building company, pipe factory; today an association of twelve secular priests (called chapter) meets regularly in the former monastery, which was founded by Benedictine monks (first documented mentions around 770 and between 783 and 784, present building erected after 1276), in the 11th century converted into a meeting place for secular priests, was integrated into the Bishopric of Passau in 907, twice returned to Salzburg (1390 and 1398).- Collegiate church (parish church), originally Gothic construction with an impressive transept, alterations in Baroque style in the 18th century, Late Baroque/Early Classicist westwork (1766/67) with a central tower designed by W. Hagenauer (today´s mortuary), Late Gothic fresco of St Christopher (around 1500), richly ornamented Baroque interior (cycle of frescoes around1700, high altar 1733, pulpit 1710), marble tombstones for members of the chapter (created between the 15th and 18th centuries), Baroque provost´s house (open to the public), chapter house (built between the 18th and 19th centuries); church of St. Lawrence built between 1777 and 1779 according to designs by W. Hagenauer, Baroque subsidiary church at Zellhof, palace (in the past family seat of the Pfleger family of Salzburg, today´s museum of local history); farmsteads (Einhof) typical of the Flachgau region; Mattsee is situated near Lake Grabensee, Lake Grosssee, Lake Mittersee and Lake Unteregelsee. Nearby there is a restored Bavarian farmstead dating from the 7th century.


F. Calliari, Festschrift zur 1200-Jahr-Feier des Stifts Mattsee, 1977.