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unbekannter Gast


Stockerau, Lower Austria, town in the district of Korneuburg, alt. 176 m, pop. 13,608, area 37.41 km2, traffic and school centre northwest of Vienna, at the northern edge of the Tulln Basin. - District court, youth welfare office branch office of the district commission, Prinz-Eugen-Kaserne barracks, forest administration office of the town of Stockerau, outpost of Mittersteig prison, Economic Chamber, Chamber of Labour, district Chamber of Farmers, local health and social insurance office, hospital, Kolpingwerk apprentice relief organisation centre, Hilfswerk relief organisation, psycho-social services, St. Koloman monastery, Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium secondary schools, commercial school with computer centre, school of domestic science (private), 2 vocational schools, adult education centre, technological and vocational centre for women, district museum (mainly archaeological finds) and culture centre in the Belvedereschloessl, automobile museum, leisure and sports centre, waterworks, district headquarters of the EVN AG Lower Austrian power services; 6,127 employed persons (1992), of which approx. 58 % work in the services sector (mainly personal, social and public services; central warehouse of a trade chain), pump factory, manufacture of mineral wool, public-service vehicles, self-assembly furniture and wooden boards. - Documented mention 1012 as "Stoccaerouwe", trade centre from the Middle Ages, industrial location in the 19th century, granted town status in 1893. Parish church with 88 m high Baroque west tower (1722-1725) and impressive high altar (around 1777), parsonage (medieval core) with magnificent Baroque portal (1709), town hall (1738/39 Baroque alterations) with grand staircase displaying an oil painting (1720) by J. G. Schmidt; Belvedereschloessl (formerly gazebo built around 1672-1701); Trinity column (first documented mention 1713/16); beautiful Pietà (1756-1762), old houses of relatively homogeneous appearance (18th - 19th centuries).


H. Krehan et al., Geschichte von Stockerau, 1979; Oesterreichisches Staedtebuch vol. IV, part 3, Die Staedte Niederoesterr., 1982; E. Lauermann, 15 Jahre archaeologische Forschungen im Gemeinde-Gebiet Stockerau, Niederoesterreich (1978-92), 1993.