Seite - 692 - in The Complete Aristotle
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Text der Seite - 692 -
same time. So there will be a certain contrariety, i.e. a differentiating quality:
and the other member of this contrariety, e.g. heat, will belong to some other
‘element’, e.g. to Fire. But Fire will certainly not be ‘hot Air’. For a change of
that kind (a) is ‘alteration’, and (b) is not what is observed. Moreover (c) if
Air is again to result out of the Fire, it will do so by the conversion of the hot
into its contrary: this contrary, therefore, will belong to Air, and Air will be a
cold something: hence it is impossible for Fire to be ‘hot Air’, since in that
case the same thing will be simultaneously hot and cold. Both Fire and Air,
therefore, will be something else which is the same; i.e. there will be some
‘matter’, other than either, common to both.
The same argument applies to all the ‘elements’, proving that there is no
single one of them out of which they all originate. But neither is there, beside
these four, some other body from which they originate-a something
intermediate, e.g. between Air and Water (coarser than Air, but finer than
Water), or between Air and Fire (coarser than Fire, but finer than Air). For the
supposed ‘intermediate’ will be Air and Fire when a pair of contrasted
qualities is added to it: but, since one of every two contrary qualities is a
‘privation’, the ‘intermediate’ never can exist-as some thinkers assert the
‘Boundless’ or the ‘Environing’ exists-in isolation. It is, therefore, equally and
indifferently any one of the ‘elements’, or else it is nothing.
Since, then, there is nothing-at least, nothing perceptible-prior to these,
they must be all. That being so, either they must always persist and not be
transformable into one another: or they must undergo transformation-either all
of them, or some only (as Plato wrote in the Timacus).’ Now it has been
proved before that they must undergo reciprocal transformation. It has also
been proved that the speed with which they come-to-be, one out of another, is
not uniform-since the process of reciprocal transformation is relatively quick
between the ‘elements’ with a ‘complementary factor’, but relatively slow
between those which possess no such factor. Assuming, then, that the
contrariety, in respect to which they are transformed, is one, the elements’ will
inevitably be two: for it is ‘matter’ that is the ‘mean’ between the two
contraries, and matter is imperceptible and inseparable from them. Since,
however, the ‘elements’ are seen to be more than two, the contrarieties must at
the least be two. But the contrarieties being two, the ‘elements’ must be four
(as they evidently are) and cannot be three: for the couplings’ are four, since,
though six are possible, the two in which the qualities are contrary to one
another cannot occur.
These subjects have been discussed before:’ but the following arguments
will make it clear that, since the ‘elements’ are transformed into one another,
it is impossible for any one of them-whether it be at the end or in the middle-
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Buch The Complete Aristotle"
The Complete Aristotle
- Titel
- The Complete Aristotle
- Autor
- Aristotle
- Datum
- ~322 B.C.
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- PD
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 2328
- Schlagwörter
- Philosophy, Antique, Philosophie, Antike, Dialogues, Metaphysik, Metaphysics, Ideologie, Ideology, Englisch
- Kategorien
- Geisteswissenschaften
- International
- Part 1; Logic (Organon) 3
- Categories 4
- On Interpretation 34
- Prior Analytics, Book I 56
- Prior Analytics, Book II 113
- Posterior Analytics, Book I 149
- Posterior Analytics, Book II 193
- Topics, Book I 218
- Topics, Book II 221
- Topics, Book III 237
- Topics, Book IV 248
- Topics, Book V 266
- Topics, Book VI 291
- Topics, Book VII 317
- Topics, Book VIII 326
- On Sophistical Refutations 348
- Part 2; Universal Physics 396
- Physics, Book I 397
- Physics, Book II 415
- Physics, Book III 432
- Physics, Book IV 449
- Physics, Book V 481
- Physics, Book VI 496
- Physics, Book VII 519
- Physics, Book VIII 533
- On the Heavens, Book I 570
- On the Heavens, Book II 599
- On the Heavens, Book III 624
- On the Heavens, Book IV 640
- On Generation and Corruption, Book I 651
- On Generation and Corruption, Book II 685
- Meteorology, Book I 707
- Meteorology, Book II 733
- Meteorology, Book III 760
- Meteorology, Book IV 773
- Part 3; Human Physics 795
- On the Soul, Book I 796
- On the Soul, Book II 815
- On the Soul, Book III 840
- On Sense and the Sensible 861
- On Memory and Reminiscence 889
- On Sleep and Sleeplessness 899
- On Dreams 909
- On Prophesying by Dreams 918
- On Longevity and the Shortness of Life 923
- On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration 929
- Part 4; Animal Physics 952
- The History of Animals, Book I 953
- The History of Animals, Book II translated 977
- The History of Animals, Book III 1000
- The History of Animals, Book IV 1029
- The History of Animals, Book V 1056
- The History of Animals, Book VI 1094
- The History of Animals, Book VII 1135
- The History of Animals, Book VIII 1150
- The History of Animals, Book IX 1186
- On the Parts of Animals, Book I 1234
- On the Parts of Animals, Book II 1249
- On the Parts of Animals, Book III 1281
- On the Parts of Animals, Book IV 1311
- On the Motion of Animals 1351
- On the Gait of Animals 1363
- On the Generation of Animals, Book I 1381
- On the Generation of Animals, Book II 1412
- On the Generation of Animals, Book III 1444
- On the Generation of Animals, Book IV 1469
- On the Generation of Animals, Book V 1496
- Part 5; Metaphysics 1516
- Part 6; Ethics and Politics 1748
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book I 1749
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book II 1766
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book III 1779
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book IV 1799
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book V 1817
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book VI 1836
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book VII 1851
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book VIII 1872
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book IX 1890
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book X 1907
- Politics, Book I 1925
- Politics, Book II 1943
- Politics, Book III 1970
- Politics, Book IV 1997
- Politics, Book V 2023
- Politics, Book VI 2053
- Politics, Book VII 2065
- Politics, Book VIII 2091
- The Athenian Constitution 2102
- Part 7; Aesthetic Writings 2156