Seite - 1413 - in The Complete Aristotle
Bild der Seite - 1413 -
Text der Seite - 1413 -
generation, because this is common to both.
A thing lives, then, in virtue of participating in the male and female
principles, wherefore even plants have some kind of life; but the class of
animals exists in virtue of sense-perception. The sexes are divided in nearly
all of these that can move about, for the reasons already stated, and some of
them, as said before, emit semen in copulation, others not. The reason of this
is that the higher animals are more independent in their nature, so that they
have greater size, and this cannot exist without vital heat; for the greater body
requires more force to move it, and heat is a motive force. Therefore, taking a
general view, we may say that sanguinea are of greater size than bloodless
animals, and those which move about than those which remain fixed. And
these are just the animals which emit semen on account of their heat and size.
So much for the cause of the existence of the two sexes. Some animals
bring to perfection and produce into the world a creature like themselves, as
all those which bring their young into the world alive; others produce
something undeveloped which has not yet acquired its own form; in this latter
division the sanguinea lay eggs, the bloodless animals either lay an egg or
give birth to a scolex. The difference between egg and scolex is this: an egg is
that from a part of which the young comes into being, the rest being nutriment
for it; but the whole of a scolex is developed into the whole of the young
animal. Of the vivipara, which bring into the world an animal like themselves,
some are internally viviparous (as men, horses, cattle, and of marine animals
dolphins and the other cetacea); others first lay eggs within themselves, and
only after this are externally viviparous (as the cartilaginous fishes). Among
the ovipara some produce the egg in a perfect condition (as birds and all
oviparous quadrupeds and footless animals, e.g. lizards and tortoises and most
snakes; for the eggs of all these do not increase when once laid). The eggs of
others are imperfect; such are those of fishes, crustaceans, and cephalopods,
for their eggs increase after being produced.
All the vivipara are sanguineous, and the sanguinea are either viviparous or
oviparous, except those which are altogether infertile. Among bloodless
animals the insects produce a scolex, alike those that are generated by
copulation and those that copulate themselves though not so generated. For
there are some insects of this sort, which though they come into being by
spontaneous generation are yet male and female; from their union something
is produced, only it is imperfect; the reason of this has been previously stated.
These classes admit of much cross-division. Not all bipeds are viviparous
(for birds are oviparous), nor are they all oviparous (for man is viviparous),
nor are all quadrupeds oviparous (for horses, cattle, and countless others are
viviparous), nor are they all viviparous (for lizards, crocodiles, and many
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Buch The Complete Aristotle"
The Complete Aristotle
- Titel
- The Complete Aristotle
- Autor
- Aristotle
- Datum
- ~322 B.C.
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- PD
- Abmessungen
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Seiten
- 2328
- Schlagwörter
- Philosophy, Antique, Philosophie, Antike, Dialogues, Metaphysik, Metaphysics, Ideologie, Ideology, Englisch
- Kategorien
- Geisteswissenschaften
- International
- Part 1; Logic (Organon) 3
- Categories 4
- On Interpretation 34
- Prior Analytics, Book I 56
- Prior Analytics, Book II 113
- Posterior Analytics, Book I 149
- Posterior Analytics, Book II 193
- Topics, Book I 218
- Topics, Book II 221
- Topics, Book III 237
- Topics, Book IV 248
- Topics, Book V 266
- Topics, Book VI 291
- Topics, Book VII 317
- Topics, Book VIII 326
- On Sophistical Refutations 348
- Part 2; Universal Physics 396
- Physics, Book I 397
- Physics, Book II 415
- Physics, Book III 432
- Physics, Book IV 449
- Physics, Book V 481
- Physics, Book VI 496
- Physics, Book VII 519
- Physics, Book VIII 533
- On the Heavens, Book I 570
- On the Heavens, Book II 599
- On the Heavens, Book III 624
- On the Heavens, Book IV 640
- On Generation and Corruption, Book I 651
- On Generation and Corruption, Book II 685
- Meteorology, Book I 707
- Meteorology, Book II 733
- Meteorology, Book III 760
- Meteorology, Book IV 773
- Part 3; Human Physics 795
- On the Soul, Book I 796
- On the Soul, Book II 815
- On the Soul, Book III 840
- On Sense and the Sensible 861
- On Memory and Reminiscence 889
- On Sleep and Sleeplessness 899
- On Dreams 909
- On Prophesying by Dreams 918
- On Longevity and the Shortness of Life 923
- On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration 929
- Part 4; Animal Physics 952
- The History of Animals, Book I 953
- The History of Animals, Book II translated 977
- The History of Animals, Book III 1000
- The History of Animals, Book IV 1029
- The History of Animals, Book V 1056
- The History of Animals, Book VI 1094
- The History of Animals, Book VII 1135
- The History of Animals, Book VIII 1150
- The History of Animals, Book IX 1186
- On the Parts of Animals, Book I 1234
- On the Parts of Animals, Book II 1249
- On the Parts of Animals, Book III 1281
- On the Parts of Animals, Book IV 1311
- On the Motion of Animals 1351
- On the Gait of Animals 1363
- On the Generation of Animals, Book I 1381
- On the Generation of Animals, Book II 1412
- On the Generation of Animals, Book III 1444
- On the Generation of Animals, Book IV 1469
- On the Generation of Animals, Book V 1496
- Part 5; Metaphysics 1516
- Part 6; Ethics and Politics 1748
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book I 1749
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book II 1766
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book III 1779
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book IV 1799
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book V 1817
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book VI 1836
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book VII 1851
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book VIII 1872
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book IX 1890
- Nicomachean Ethics, Book X 1907
- Politics, Book I 1925
- Politics, Book II 1943
- Politics, Book III 1970
- Politics, Book IV 1997
- Politics, Book V 2023
- Politics, Book VI 2053
- Politics, Book VII 2065
- Politics, Book VIII 2091
- The Athenian Constitution 2102
- Part 7; Aesthetic Writings 2156