Page - 1385 - in The Complete Plato
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assistance, while the city of Argos, which had the precedence at the time of
the distribution, when asked to aid in repelling the barbarian, would not
answer to the call, or give aid. Many things might be told about Hellas in
connection with that war which are far from honourable; nor, indeed, can we
rightly say that Hellas repelled the invader; for the truth is, that unless the
Athenians and Lacedaemonians, acting in concert, had warded off the
impending yoke, all the tribes of Hellas would have been fused in a chaos of
Hellenes mingling with one another, of barbarians mingling with Hellenes,
and Hellenes with barbarians; just as nations who are now subject to the
Persian power, owing to unnatural separations and combinations of them, are
dispersed and scattered, and live miserably. These, Cleinias and Megillus, are
the reproaches which we have to make against statesmen and legislators, as
they are called, past and present, if we would analyse the causes of their
failure, and find out what else might have been done. We said, for instance,
just now, that there ought to be no great and unmixed powers; and this was
under the idea that a state ought to be free and wise and harmonious, and that
a legislator ought to legislate with a view to this end. Nor is there any reason
to be surprised at our continually proposing aims for the legislator which
appear not to be always the same; but we should consider when we say that
temperance is to be the aim, or wisdom is to be the aim, or friendship is to be
the aim, that all these aims are really the same; and if so, a variety in the
modes of expression ought not to disturb us.
Cleinias. Let us resume the argument in that spirit. And now, speaking of
friendship and wisdom and freedom, I wish that you would tell me at what, in
your opinion, the legislator should aim.
Athenian. Hear me, then: there are two mother forms of states from which
the rest may be truly said to be derived; and one of them may be called
monarchy and the other democracy: the Persians have the highest form of the
one, and we of the other; almost all the rest, as I was saying, are variations of
these. Now, if you are to have liberty and the combination of friendship with
wisdom, you must have both these forms of government in a measure; the
argument emphatically declares that no city can be well governed which is not
made up of both.
Cleinias. Impossible.
Athenian. Neither the one, if it be exclusively and excessively attached to
monarchy, nor the other, if it be similarly attached to freedom, observes
moderation; but your states, the Laconian and Cretan, have more of it; and the
same was the case with the Athenians and Persians of old time, but now they
have less. Shall I tell you why?
Cleinias. By all means, if it will tend to elucidate our subject.
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book The Complete Plato"
The Complete Plato
- Title
- The Complete Plato
- Author
- Plato
- Date
- ~347 B.C.
- Language
- English
- License
- PD
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 1612
- Keywords
- Philosophy, Antique, Philosophie, Antike, Dialogues, Metaphysik, Metaphysics, Ideologie, Ideology, Englisch
- Categories
- Geisteswissenschaften
- International