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"puissance mysterieuse, indeterminee
; fatalite pour Ics uns
pour les autres, volonte providentielle, dont Taction inces-
sante sur les etres vivants determine, a toutes les epoques de
I'existence du monde, la forme, le volume, et la duree de
chacun d'eux, en raison de sa destinee dans I'orde de choses
dont il fait partie. C'est cette puissance qui harmonise
chaque membre a I'ensemble, en I'appropriant a la fonction
qu'il doit remplir dans I'organisme general de la nature, fonc-
tion qui est pour lui sa raison d'etre."*
In 1853 a celebrated geologist, Count Keyserling ('Bulletin
de la Soc. .Geolog./ 2nd Sen, torn. x. p. 357), suggested that
as new diseases, supposed to have been caused by some
miasma, have arisen and spread over the world, so at certain
periods the germs of existing species may have been chem-
ically afifected by circumambient molecules of a particular
nature, and thus have given rise to new forms.
In this same year, 1853, Dr. Schaaffhausen published an
excellent pamphlet ('Verhand. des Naturhist. Vereins der
Preuss. Rheinlands,' &c.), in which he maintains the devel-
opment of organic forms on the earth. He infers that many
species have kept true for long periods, whereas a few have
become modified. The distinction of species he explains by
the destruction of intermediate graduated forms. "Thus
living plants and animals are not separated from the extinct
by new creations, but are to be regarded as their descendants
through continued reproduction."
A well-known French botanist, M. Lecoq, writes in 1854
('Etudes sur Geograph. Bot.,' torn. i. p. 250), "On voit que
nos recherches sur la fixite ou la variation de I'espece, nous
conduisent directement aux idees emises, par deux hommes
justement celebres, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire et Goethe." Some
* From references in Bronn's ' Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickclungs-
Gesetze,' it appears that the celebrated botanist and palxontologist Unger
published, in 1852, his belief that species undergo development and modifi-
cation. Dalton, likewise, in Pander and Dalton's work on Fossil Sloths, ex-
pressed, in 182 1, a similar belief. Similar views have, as is well known,
been maintained by Oken in his mystical '
Natur-Philosophie.' From other
references in Godron's work ' Sur I'Espece,' it seems that Bory St. Vincent,
Burdach, Poiret, and Fries, have all admitted that new species arc con-
tinually being produced.
I may add, that of the thirty-four authors named in this Historical Sketch,
who believe in the modification of species, or at least disbelieve in separate
acts of creation, twenty-seven have written on special branches of natural
history or geology.
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The Origin of Species
- Title
- The Origin of Species
- Author
- Charles Darwin
- Publisher
- P. F. Collier & Son
- Location
- New York
- Date
- 1909
- Language
- English
- License
- PD
- Size
- 10.5 x 16.4 cm
- Pages
- 568
- Keywords
- Evolutionstheorie, Evolution, Theory of Evolution, Naturwissenschaft, Natural Sciences
- Categories
- International
- Naturwissenschaften Biologie
Table of contents
- AN HISTORICAL SKETCH of the Progress of Opinion on the Origin of Species 9
- Variation under Domestication 25
- Variation under Nature 58
- Struggle for Existence 76
- Natural Selection; or the Survival of the Fittest 93
- Laws of Variation 145
- Difficulties of the Theory 178
- Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection 219
- Instinct 262
- Hybridism 298
- On the Imperfection of the Geological Record 333
- On the Geological Succession of Organic Beinss 364
- Geographical Distribution 395
- Geographical Distribution - continued 427
- Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings: Morphology: Embryology: Rudimentary Organs 450
- Recapitulation and Conclusion 499
- INDEX 541