Immersive and Engaging Forms of Virtual LearningNew and improved approaches towards engaging and immersive digital learning


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Doctoral Dissertation


Metadata and description

Immersive and Engaging Forms of Virtual Learning
New and improved approaches towards engaging and immersive digital learning
Johanna Pirker
21.0 x 29.7 cm


Table of contents

  1. Introduction 1
    1. Motivation 1
    2. Objectives 4
    3. Contributions 6
    4. Methodology and Thesis Structure 8
    5. Publications 11
      1. Publications about this Thesis 11
      2. Publications beyond the Scope of this Thesis 13
  2. Motivating Generation Z 17
    1. The New Generation of Learners 19
      1. Generation Y 20
      2. Generation Z 21
    2. Self-regulated Learning 23
    3. Motivation in Learning and Play 24
      1. Intrinsic Motivation 25
      2. Extrinsic Motivation 26
      3. Quantification of Motivation 26
    4. Enjoyment and Flow 26
    5. Engagement 27
      1. Engagement in Games 28
      2. Engagement in Education 29
      3. Quantification of Engagement 29
    6. Immersion 30
      1. Defining Presence 31
      2. Defining Immersion 31
      3. Immersion in Education 33
      4. Immersion in Gaming 33
      5. Quantification of Immersion 34
    7. Player and Learner Types 35
      1. Learner Types 35
      2. Player Types 35
    8. Conceptual Model for Creating Motivational Environments 37
    9. Summary and Discussion 42
  3. Related Work 43
    1. STEM Education 45
      1. Active Learning and Interactive Engagement 46
      2. Technology-Enabled Active Learning 48
    2. Digital and Virtual Learning Environments 48
      1. E-Learning, Online Learning, and Blended Learning 49
      2. Virtual Science Education 52
      3. Games and Gamification in Education 57
      4. Designing Educational Playful Environments 59
    3. Learning in Virtual Reality Environments 62
    4. Summary and Discussion 64
  4. MAL: Motivational Active Learning 65
    1. Motivation 66
    2. Motivational Active Learning (MAL) 68
      1. Objectives 69
      2. MAL Design 69
    3. Analysis 1. Gamification in the Classroom with MAL 72
      1. Method 77
      2. Findings 78
      3. Conclusion and Discussion 83
    4. Analysis 2. MAL in Virtual Learning Environments 84
      1. Objectives 85
      2. Virtual Environment Design 85
      3. MAL in the Virtual Environment 86
      4. Evaluation 86
    5. Summary and Discussion 89
  5. Maroon: Immersive Physics Laboratory 91
    1. Motivation 92
    2. Maroon 95
      1. Main Concepts and Principles 99
      2. Design and Implementation 104
    3. Maroon VR 107
      1. Maroon Mobile VR 108
      2. Maroon Room-scale VR 111
    4. Multi-User Maroon Variants 116
      1. Maroon Multi-User 119
      2. Maroon Mobil VR Multi-User 119
    5. Discussion, Implications, Limitations 120
    6. Summary and Discussion 121
  6. Investigating Experiences in Virtual Reality Setups 123
    1. Motivation 124
    2. Analysis 1: Observations, Activities, and Emotions in VR 125
      1. Motivation and Contributions 126
      2. The Setting 128
      3. Study Setup 133
      4. Findings 135
      5. Conclusion and Discussion 138
    3. Analysis 2: Maroon Room-scale VR 139
      1. Motivation and Contributions 140
      2. The Setting 141
      3. Study Setup 141
      4. Findings 145
      5. Conclusion and Discussion 149
    4. Analysis 3: Maroon Room-scale VR vs. Maroon Mobile VR 151
      1. Motivation and Contributions 152
      2. The Setting 153
      3. Study Setup 154
      4. Findings 157
      5. Conclusion and Discussion 166
    5. Analysis 4: Maroon vs. Maroon Room-scale VR 167
      1. Motivation and Contributions 168
      2. The Setting 169
      3. Study Setup 169
      4. Findings 172
      5. Conclusion and Discussion 179
    6. Analysis 5: Maroon vs. Maroon Mobile VR in Multi-User Setups 179
      1. Motivation and Contributions 180
      2. The Setting 181
      3. Study Setup 181
      4. Findings 183
      5. Conclusion and Discussion 185
    7. Summary and Discussion 188
  7. Discussion 191
    1. Design Guidelines for Motivational Environments 191
      1. Engagement 192
      2. Immersion 194
    2. Possible Applications 195
    3. Limitations of Immersion and Engagement in Learning Environments 196
    4. Contributions 197
  8. Conclusion 201
    1. Summary 202
    2. Recent Development and Directions for Future Work 203
      1. MAL 203
      2. Maroon 204
  9. Experiment Questionnaires 209
    1. Game Engagement Questionnaire 209
    2. Experience Scale 209
    3. Interview Questions 210
  10. Bibliography 215