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unbekannter Gast

Ausgestorbene Tiere#

Animals, Extinct in Austria: over the course of history, the following animals have become extinct in Austria due to the influence of humans: Brown Bear, wolf, lynx, wildcat, Sea Eagle (as a brooding bird; the last one was shot down from its aerie in 1960), osprey, lesser spotted eagle, imperial eagle, snake eagle, booted eagle, Bearded Vulture, turkey vulture, hermit ibis, beaver (last one killed in Fischamend in 1863). Repopulation projects: brown bear (WWF, since 1989, in Oetscher area), lynx (A. Festetics, since 1975, Area: Murau forestry commission), bearded vulture (WWF, since 1986, Hohe Tauern, Salzburg, Rauris), beaver (O. Koenig, 1976-81, in the Danube wetlands from Vienna to Eckartsau, also in the Marchauen wetlands and by the River Inn).

Further reading#

Artenschutz in Oesterreich, "Gruene Reihe" of the Federal Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Youth and the Family.