Bader, Andreas#
* 17.11.1973
Director, Research
Mirna Therapeutics, Inc.
Dr. Andreas Bader focuses on the discovery and development of new cancer therapies. He graduated with his Master’s degree in 1997 and with his Ph.D. degree in 2000 both from the Institute of Biochemistry at the University of Innsbruck where he studied the role of cancer-inducing genes to discover novel drug targets. He continued his cancer research during this postdoctoral training at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, where he also held a junior faculty position. In 2006, Dr. Bader was recruited by Asuragen Inc., a Texas-based biotechnology company, to lead a research program focused on the development of microRNA-based cancer therapies. In 2007, this project was spun-off as a new company, Mirna Therapeutics. In 2013, the company started a clinical cancer trial for its lead product, MRX34, a liposomal formulation containing a mimic of the tumor suppressor miR-34. MRX34 is the first of 10-100s of clinical candidates that have the potential of becoming a break-out class of new therapies. Dr. Bader is a scientific co-founder and management team member of the company, contributes to corporate governance and directs pre-clinical and clinical-stage research programs. Dr. Bader is author of >35 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters, inventor of >15 patent application families, and awardee of 5 Small Business Innovation Research grants (>$1.2M) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and a $25M Product Development grant from the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT).
Education and Academic Appointments#
2005 – 2006; Junior Faculty/Staff Scientist; The Scripps Research Institute/Dept. Mol. & Exp. Medicine
2001 – 2005; Postdoctoral Fellow; The Scripps Research Institute/Dept. Mol. & Exp. Medicine (Prof. Vogt)
2000 – 2001; Postdoctoral Fellow; Univ. of Innsbruck/Institute of Biochemistry (Prof. Bister)
1997 – 2000; PhD Student; Univ. of Innsbruck/Institute of Biochemistry (Prof. Bister)
1992 – 1997; MS Student; Univ. of Innsbruck/Institute of Biochemistry (Prof. Bister)
Professional Experience and Employment #
2012 – present; Director, Research; Mirna Therapeutics Inc.
2010 – 2012; Associate Director, Research; Mirna Therapeutics Inc.
2008 – 2009; Group Leader, Research; Asuragen Inc. & Mirna Therapeutics Inc.
2008 – 2008; Senior Scientist, Research; Asuragen Inc.
Honors & Awards#
2014; NIH/NIAAA – STTR Phase I grant: A new microRNA-1291 replacement therapy for pancreatic cancer disease ($224,996)
2014; CPRIT – Established Company Product Development Award ($25.1 M)
2012; NIH/NCI – SBIR Phase I grant: Therapeutic miRNAs in combination with conventional chemotherapy ($299,999)
2012; NIH/NCI – SBIR Phase I grant: Systemic delivery of chitosan/miRNA nanoparticles to prostate tumors ($299,999)
2010; NIH/NCI – SBIR Phase I grant: MicroRNA therapeutics for prostate cancer ($282,967)
2008; NIH/NCI – SBIR Phase I grant: Combination molecular therapeutics for lung cancer ($171,527)
2003; Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) – Erwin Schrödinger post-doctoral fellowship
2002; Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) – Erwin Schrödinger post-doctoral fellowship
1996; University of Innsbruck – Merit Scholarship
1995; University of Innsbruck – Merit Scholarship
Scientific Publications#
1. Kasinski, A.L., Kelnar, K., Stahlhut, C., Orellana, E., Zhao, J., Shimer, E., Dysart, S., Chen, X., Bader, A.G., Slack, F.J. (2014). A combinatorial microRNA therapeutics approach to suppressing non-small cell lung cancer. Oncogene. Epub 2014 Sep 1.
2. Cortez, M.A., Valdecanas, D., Zhang, X., Zhan, Y., Bhardwaj, V., Calin, G.A., Komaki, R., Giri, D.K., Quini, C.C., Wolfe, T., Peltier, H.J., Bader, A.G., Heymach, J.V., Meyn, R.E., Welsh, J.W. (2014) Therapeutic delivery of miR-200c enhances radiosensitivity in lung cancer. Mol Ther. Epub 2014 May 5.
3. Zhao, J., Kelnar, K., Bader, A.G. (2014). In-depth analysis shows synergy between erlotinib and miR-34a. PLOS One, Epub 2014 Feb 14.
4. Kelnar, K., Peltier, H.J., Leatherbury, N., Stoudemire, J., Bader, A.G. (2014). Quantification of therapeutic miRNA mimics in whole blood from non-human primates. Anal Chem 86, 1534-42.
5. Bader, A.G. (2013). miR-888: Hit it when you see it! Cell Cycle 13, 351.
6. Zhao, J., Lammers, P., Torrance, C. J., Bader, A. G. (2013). TP53-independent function of miR-34a via HDAC1 and p21CIP1/WAF1. Mol Ther 21,1678-86.
7. Bader, A. G. (2012). miR-34 – a miRNA replacement therapy is headed to the clinic. Front Genet 3, article 120, 1-9. (viewed by 1896, cited by 33)
8. Craig, V. J., Tzankov, A., Bader, A. G., Muller, A. (2012). Systemic microRNA-34a delivery induces apoptosis and abrogates growth of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in vivo. Leukemia 26, 2421-4. (cited by 16)
9. Bader, A. G., Brown, D., Stoudemire, J., Lammers, P. (2011). Developing therapeutic microRNAs for cancer. Gene Ther 18, 1121-6. (cited by 48)
10. Trang, P., Wiggins, J.F., Daige, C.L., Cho, C., Omotola, M., Brown, D., Weidhaas, J.B., Bader, A.G., Slack, F.J. (2011). Systemic delivery of tumor suppressor microRNA mimics using a neutral lipid emulsion inhibits lung tumors in mice. Mol Ther 19, 1116-22. (cited by 153)
11. Liu, C., Kelnar, K., Liu, B., Chen, X., Calhoun-Davis, T., Li, H., Patrawala, L., Yan, H., Jeter, C., Honorio, S., Wiggins, J.F., Bader, A.G., Fagin, R., Brown, D., Tang, D.G. (2011). The microRNA miR-34a inhibits prostate cancer stem cells and metastasis by directly repressing CD44. Nat Med 17, 211-5. (cited by 327)
12. Bader, A.G., Brown, D., Winkler, M. (2010). The promise of microRNA replacement therapy. Cancer Res 70, 7027-30. (cited by 141)
13. Wiggins, J.F., Ruffino, L., Kelnar, K., Omotola, M., Patrawala, L., Brown, D., Bader, A.G. (2010). Development of a lung cancer therapeutic based on the tumor suppressor microRNA-34. Cancer Res 70, 5923-30. (cited by 205)
14. Trang, P., Medina, P.P., Wiggins, J.F., Ruffino, L., Kelnar, K., Omotola, M., Homer, R., Brown, D., Bader, A.G., Weidhaas, J.B., Slack, F.J. (2009). Regression of murine lung tumors by the let-7 microRNA. Oncogene 29, 1580-7. (cited by 216)
15. Takeshita, F., Patrawala, L., Osaki, M., Takahashi, R.U., Yamamoto, Y., Kosaka, N., Kawamata, M., Kelnar, K., Bader, A. G., Brown, D., and Ochiya, T. (2009). Systemic delivery of synthetic MicroRNA-16 inhibits the growth of metastatic prostate tumors via downregulation of multiple dell-cycle genes. Molecular Therapy 18, 181-7. (cited by 196)
16. Karagiannidis, A. I., Bader, A. G., Hartl, M., and Bister, K. (2008). TOJ3, a v-jun target with intrinsic oncogenic potential, is directly regulated by Jun via a novel AP-1 binding motif. Virology 378, 371-376. (cited by 2)
17. Esquela-Kerscher, A., Trang, P., Wiggins, J. F., Patrawala, L., Cheng, A., Ford, L., Weihaas, J. B., Brown, D., Bader, A. G., and Slack, F. J. (2008). The let-7 microRNA reduces tumor growth in mouse models of lung cancer. Cell Cycle 7, 759-764. (cited by 317)
18. Pappas, T. C., Bader, A. G., Andruss, B. F., Brown, D., and Ford, L. P. (2008). Applying small RNA molecules to the directed treatment of human diseases: realizing the potential. Expert Opin Ther Targets 12, 115-127. (cited by 20)
19. Bader, A.G., and Vogt, P.K. (2007). Phosphorylation by Akt disables the anti-oncogenic activity of YB-1. Oncogene 27, 1179-1182. (cited by 39)
20. Vogt, P.K., Bader, A.G., and Kang, S. (2006). PI 3-kinases: hidden potentials revealed. Cell Cycle 5, 946-949. (cited by 17)
21. Bader, A.G. (2006). YB-1 activities in oncogenesis: transcription and translation. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews 2, 31-39. (cited by 2)
22. Bader, A.G., Kang, S., and Vogt, P.K. (2006). Cancer-specific mutations in PIK3CA are oncogenic in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103, 1475-1479. (cited by 239)
23. Vogt, P.K., Bader, A.G., and Kang, S. (2006). Phosphoinositide 3-kinase: From viral oncoprotein to drug target. Virology 344, 131-138. (cited by 33)
24. Bader, A.G., Kang, S., Zhao, L., and Vogt, P.K. (2005). Oncogenic PI3K deregulates transcription and translation. Nat Rev Cancer 5, 921-929. (cited by 458)
25. Vogt, P.K., and Bader, A.G. (2005). Jun: stealth, stability, and transformation. Mol Cell 19, 432-433.
26. Kang, S., Bader, A.G., Zhao, L., and Vogt, P.K. (2005). Mutated PI 3-kinases: cancer targets on a silver platter. Cell Cycle 4, 578-581. (cited by 56)
27. Bader, A.G., and Vogt, P.K. (2005). Inhibition of protein synthesis by Y box-binding protein 1 blocks oncogenic cell transformation. Mol Cell Biol 25, 2095-2106. (cited by 65)
28. Kang, S., Bader, A.G., and Vogt, P.K. (2005). Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase mutations identified in human cancer are oncogenic. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 802-807. (cited by 506)
29. Bader, A.G., and Vogt, P.K. (2004). An essential role for protein synthesis in oncogenic cellular transformation. Oncogene 23, 3145-3150. (cited by 42)
30. Bader, A.G., Felts, K.A., Jiang, N., Chang, H.W., and Vogt, P.K. (2003). Y box-binding protein 1 induces resistance to oncogenic transformation by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100, 12384-12389. (cited by 56)
31. Hartl, M., Bader, A.G., and Bister, K. (2003). Molecular targets of the oncogenic transcription factor jun. Curr Cancer Drug Targets 3, 41-55. (cited by 56)
32. Bader, A.G., Schneider, M.L., Bister, K., and Hartl, M. (2001). TOJ3, a target of the v-Jun transcription factor, encodes a protein with transforming activity related to human microspherule protein 1 (MCRS1). Oncogene 20, 7524-7535. (cited by 47)
33. Hartl, M., Reiter, F., Bader, A.G., Castellazzi, M., and Bister, K. (2001). JAC, a direct target of oncogenic transcription factor Jun, is involved in cell transformation and tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98, 13601-13606. (cited by 22)
34. Bader, A.G., Hartl, M., and Bister, K. (2000). Conditional cell transformation by doxycycline-controlled expression of the ASV17 v-jun allele. Virology 270, 98-110. (cited by 10)
Book Chapters#
35. Kelnar, K., and Bader, A.G. (2014). Methods in Molecular Biology - Gene therapy of solid cancers: methods and protocols. A qRT-PCR Method for Determining the Biodistribution Profile of a miR-34a Mimic, Springer, in press.
36. Vogt, P.K., and Bader, A.G. (2007). Retroviral oncogenes Encyclopedia of Virology, 3rd Edition, Elsevier.
37. Bader, A.G., and Vogt, P.K. (2006). Leucine Zipper Transcription Factors: bZIP Proteins. Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics, Springer-Verlag, 964-967.
38. Bader, A.G., and Vogt, P.K. (2006). Protein synthesis and cancer. Nutrional Genomics: Nutrients, Genes and Genetic Variation in Health and Disease, Wiley-VCH, 180-194.
39. Bader, A.G., and Vogt, P.K. (2005). Oncogenes and proto-oncogenes: jun oncogenes. Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine, Elsevier.
Professional Societies#
2005 – present; American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
2005 – 2008; American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
2011 – 2014; Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society (OTS)
Editorial Board Member of Scientific Journals#
2010 – present ; American Journal of Cancer Research (
2011 – present; MicroRNA (
2014 – present; Journal of Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery (