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Torgersen, Jan#

Jan Torgersen
Name: Jan Torgersen
Academic degree: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
Nationality: Austrian
Date of birth: Aug 6th, 1984
Place of birth: Vienna
Email: jan.torgersen@stanford.edu
Tel.: +1-650-422-9234
Fax: +1-650-723-5034

02/2014-present: Post-doctoral research fellow at Nanoscale Prototyping Laboratory, Stanford University, USA
05/2010-12/2013: Project Assistant at the Institute of Material Science and Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
05/2010-12/2013: PhD Student at the Institute of Materials Science and Technology, Vienna University of Technology
2004-2010: Student at the Vienna University of Technology, graduated with Dipl.-Ing. in Industrial Engineering
1995-2003: High School, Vienna

Academic Appointment
02/2014-present: Scientific researcher at the Nanoscale Prototyping Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, USA
05/2010-12/2013: Scientific researcher at the Institute of Material Science and Technology

Publications in peer-reviewed Journals#

  • P. Petrochenko, J. Torgersen, P. Gruber, L. Hicks, J. Zheng, G. Kumar, R. J. Narayan, P. L. Goering, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsiankikov: „Laser 3D printing with sub-microscale resolution of porous elastomeric scaffolds for supporting human bone stem cells”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, accepted 2014
  • X. H. Qin, J. Torgersen, R. Saf, S. Mühleder, N. Pucher, S. C. Ligon, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska: “Three-dimensional microfabrication of protein hydrogels via two-photon-excited thiol-vinyl ester photopolymerization“, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 51 (2013), 4799–4810
  • J. Torgersen, X. Qin, Z. Li, A. Ovsianikov, P. Gruber, R. Liska, J. Stampfl: “Hydrogels for two-photon polymerisation: a toolbox for mimicking the extracellular matrix”, Advanced Functional Materials (invited) 23 (2013), 4542-4554.
  • Z. Li, N. Pucher, K. Cicha, J. Torgersen, S.C. Ligon, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, A. Rosspeintner, E. Vauthey, S. Naumov, T. Scherzer, J. Stampfl, R. Liska: “A Straightforward Synthesis and Structure–Activity Relationship of Highly Efficient Initiators for Two-Photon Polymerisation”; Macromolecules, 46 (2013), 352-361.
  • J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, V. Mironov, N.U Pucher, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, K. Cicha, T. Machacek, V. Jantsch-Plunger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl: "Photo-sensitive hydrogels for threedimensional laser micro-fabrication in the presence of whole organisms"; Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17 (2012), 10; 1 - 10.
  • R.A. Rezende, F.D.A.S Pereira, V. Kasyanov, A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, K. Brakke, J.A. Nogueira, V. Mironov, J.V.L. da Silva: “Design, physical prototyping and initial characterisation of “lockyballs””; Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 7 (2012), 287-301.
  • A. Ovsianikov, Z. Li, A. Ajami, J. Torgersen, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska: “3D grafting via three-photon induced photolysis of aromatic azides"; Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 108 (2012), 1; 29 - 34.
  • A. Ovsianikov, Z. Li, J. Torgersen, J. Stampfl, R. Liska: "Selective Functionalization of 3D Matrices Via Multiphoton Grafting and Subsequent Click Chemsitry"; Advanced Functional Materials, 22 (2012), 16; 3429 - 3433.
  • K. Cicha, T. Koch, J. Torgersen, Z. Li, R. Liska, J. Stampfl: "Young´s modulus measurement of two-photon polymerised microcantilevers by using nanoindentation equipment"; Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (2012), 094906.
  • J. Torgersen, A. Baudrimont, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl: "In Vivo Writing using Two-Photon-Polymerisation"; Laser Precision Micro-fabrication 2010, Stuttgart, D; 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-10; in: "Proceedings of LPM2010", K. Sugioka (ed.); (2010), #10-42.

Book Chapter

  • J. Torgersen: “Efficient Photoinitiators for Two-Photon Polymerization”, in: Tiwari, A., Polykarpov, A. (Eds.), RSC Smart Materials. Royal Society of Chemistry (2014), Cambridge, pp. 75–86.

More than 30 Talks and Poster Presentations, including

  • J. Torgersen, J. Stampfl: "Two Photon Lithography for the Three-dimensional Micro-fabrication of Extracellular Environments"; Talk: SME- Medical Manufacturing Innovations, Hilton, Minneapolis (invited); 2013-04-16 - 2013-04-17; in: "SME Medical Manufacturing Innovations Eventbrochure", (2013), 7.
  • J. Torgersen: "The race at the bottom: speeding up nanotechnology"; Talk: TEDx Vienna, Wien (invited); 2012-11-03.
  • J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, V. Mironov, N.U Pucher, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, K. Cicha, T. Machacek, V. Jantsch-Plunger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl: "High Speed 3D laser micro-fabrication of biocompatible hydrogel scaffolds"; Keynote Lecture: CAIM III Tercier Congreso Argentino die Engenereía Mécanica, Buenos Aires (invited); 2012-10-02 - 2012-10-05.
  • J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, V. Mironov, N.U Pucher, X.H. Qin, K. Cicha, Z. Li, T. Machacek, V. Jantsch-Plunger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl: "Biocompatible Hydrogels for the Three-dimensional Micro-fabrication of Extracellular Environments"; Talk: Bio-inspired Materials, Potsdam; 2012-03-20 - 2012-03-23; in: "Bio-inspired Materials International School and Conference on Biological Materials Science", DGM Programme, (2012), 20.