Baernbach, Styria, town in the district of Voitsberg, alt. 424 m, pop. 5,160, area 17.14 km2, lying in the Kainach Valley in the lignite mining district of Koeflach-Voitsberg. Castles museum, glass art centre and glass museum, sports hall, lignite mining, production of bricks, glassware, motor vehicles and catalytic converters, thermal station Voitsberg 3 (erected 1982, only partly in the municipality of Baernbach); modern parish church designed by F. Hundertwasser (1988), findings from Roman times on Heiliger Berg Mountain, subsidiary church St. Joachim and St. Anna (1660-1666), Calvary (1730-1740, Passion Groups by P. J. Straub), Carmelite convent, Storchenschloessl in Afling (mansion-house from the 17th century).
A. Seebacher-Mesaritsch, Baernbach. Das Werden einer Stadt, 1978.