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unbekannter Gast

Dingelstedt, Franz Freiherr von#

Dingelstedt, Baron Franz von, b. Halsdorf near Marburg (Germany), June 30, 1814, d. Vienna, May 15, 1881. Writer, dramaturge and theatre manager; began career as a secondary school teacher, journalist and writer ("Lieder eines kosmopolit. Nachtwaechters", 1842); 1851-1856 theatre manager in Munich; 1857 in Weimar; 1867-1870 director of the Hofoper in Vienna, during which time the State Opera was opened on the Ringstrasse in Vienna on May 25, 1869. As the director of the old Burgtheater on Michaelerplatz (1870-1881), D. succeeded in restoring its glamour; his richly varied programme included modern dramas (F. Hebbel), classics and a Shakespeare cycle (1875).


Dramas, translation of Shakespeare histories, novels, novellas, political and formally sophisticated poetry, dramaturgical studies and autobiographical depictions. - Edition: Saemtliche Werke, 12 vols., 1877/78.


A. Stiepka, F. D. als Dir. des Hofburgtheaters, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1949; C. Chalaupka, F. D. als Regisseur, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1957.