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unbekannter Gast

Gerhoh von Reichersberg#

b. Polling (Germany), 1093, d. Reichersberg (Upper Austria), June 27, 1169, ecclesiastical autho. In 1132 Augustine canon regular and provost in Reichersberg, temporary exile in 1167. Works include commentaries to psalms and theological writings ("De investigatione Antichristi"), in which he developed a distinct christological doctrine and addressed ecclesiastical policy and questions of reform according to the views of the Cluniac movement. G. v. R.'s monastery annals were used by Magnus von Reichersberg along with other sources for his chronicle of Reichersberg.


E. Meuthen, Kirche und Heilsgeschichte bei G. v. R., 1959; P. Classen, G. v. R., 1960; Tusculum-Lexikon, 31982.