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unbekannter Gast

Haberlandt, Michael#

b. Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary (then Ungarisch-Altenburg), Sept. 29, 1860, d. Vienna, June 14, 1940; ethnologist and specialist in folklore studies, India specialist; son of Friedrich Haberlandt, brother of Gottlieb Haberlandt , father of Arthur Haberlandt. With W. Hein founder of the association (1894), the newspaper and the Austrian Museum for Folklore Studies (1895); in 1892 first lecturer (later professor) at the newly established Department of Ethnology at the University of Vienna; special contributions to comparative ethnic studies. Great music lover and supporter of H. Wolf to whose breakthrough he greatly contributed (founder of the H. Wolf Association).


Kultur im Alltag, 1900; Oesterreichische Volkskunst, 2 vols., 1914; Werke der Volkskunst, 3 vols., 1917; Einfuehrung in die Volkskunde, 1924; Die Voelker Europas, 1926; Oesterreich, sein Land und Volk und seine Kultur, 1927.