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unbekannter Gast

Haschka, Lorenz Leopold#

b. Vienna, Sept. 1, 1749, d. Vienna, Aug. 3, 1827, poet, a Jesuit until the order was dissolved in 1773, from 1780 a Freemason. In 1797 curator of Vienna University library, 1798-1822 teacher at the Theresianum (diplomatic academy) in Vienna. Under Joseph II wrote anti-clerical poems in the spirit of the Enlightenment and anti-clerical odes ("Das Moenchthum im Erntemond", 1783), from the 1790s wrote only patriotic and anti-revolutionary odes. In 1797 wrote the lyrics for the Austrian national anthem "God save Emperor Franz" (Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser) composed by J. Haydn.


Die Ehre der dt. Tonkunst, bey der Rueckkunft des Ritters von Gluck aus Frankreich, 1775; Unsere Sprache, 1784; Die Koenige, 1787; Auf Denis Tod, 1800.


E. Topermann, L. L. H., doctoral thesis, Vienna, 1907; L. Bodi, Tauwetter in Wien, 21995; NDB.