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unbekannter Gast

Heitger, Marian#

b. Hamm (Germany), Aug. 18, 1927, educationalist, 1966-1995 professor at the University of Vienna (theoretical and systematic education, from 1981 also remedial education). Supports normative education and gains a great response to this idea through his various activities (chairman of the scientific advisory committee of the University of Klagenfurt, vice president of the Vienna Catholic Academy, member of the board of directors of the Salzburg University Weeks etc.) and by his publications.


Bildung und moderne Ges., 1963; ORF-Lehrgang: Erziehen, Lehren und Lernen, 1970/71; Verantwortung, Wiss., Forschung, 1981 (ed.); Beitraege zu einer Paedagogik des Dialogs, 1983; Kanzel und Katheder. Zum Verhaeltnis von Religion und Paedagogik seit der Aufklaerung, 1994 (ed.).


W. Boehm (ed.), Erziehungswiss. oder Paedagogik? Festschrift f. M. H., 1998.