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Transmission Lines, High-voltage, for currents of more than 110 kV. The voltage levels in Austria range from 110 kV to 220 kV and 380 kV. High-voltage lines are used for the long-distance transmission of electric energy. They usually take the form of overhead lines, in densely populated areas they are replaced with high-voltage underground cables.

Austria´s first high-voltage transmission line, a 110 kV line, was finished in 1924 and led from the Partenstein power station on the lower course of the River Grosse Muehl to Vienna. The first 220 kV transmission line took up operation in 1930 (from Buers, Vorarlberg, to the national border) and still exists today. Another 220 kV line was established from the St. Peter transformer station (Upper Austria) to Ernsthofen during World War II, but was operated on a 110 kV level until 1947. It was only after 1945 that Austria had its first overall 110 kV network. On its completion the Austrian high-voltage network will form a circle of 380 kV lines in the provinces of Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Styria, Carinthia, eastern Tirol and Salzburg. Together with a 380 kV connection leading from the Tauern transformer station near Kaprun to the west, this extra-high voltage network will ensure the extensive and safe transport of electrical energy from the generators to the consumers.