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Internatsschulen, höhere#

Internatsschulen, hoehere: selective, academically-oriented secondary schools with attached boarding schools, providing instruction, education and care according to a uniform educational plan (emphasis on community spirit, promotion of artistic talents and physical abilities, life skills). They may also be organised as Werkschulheime. Forerunners were military educational institutions (until 1918: cadet schools, institutes for daughters of officers), which were turned into "Staatsstiftungsrealschulen" (state foundation secondary schools) during the 1st Republic, and in 1919/20 in "Bundeserziehungsanstalten" (federal educational institutions) on the model of the "Landerziehungsheime" (provincial educational homes). From 1938 to 1945 they were called National Political Institutes of Education, in 1962 they were given their present name.