Kematen in Tirol#
Kematen in Tirol, municipality in the district of Innsbruck Land, alt. 610 m, pop. 2,258, area 6.99 km2, situated in the upper Inn Valley to the west of Innsbruck at the mouth of the Sellrain Valley. - Kematen has a Hoehere Lehranstalt fuer Land- und Hauswirtschaft (upper-level secondary school for agriculture and domestic science), a power station, cosmetics and varnish industry, a large bakery, manufactures agricultural machines and sanitary equipment. - Parish church with central part dating from the Middle Ages (13th -14th century), Baroque alterations (1736-1753), interior from 1870-1872; most of the original old building structure of Afling (part of Kematen) has been preserved; former seat of the Spitzenstein family; free standing boxes (corn lofts), baking oven and laundries.
O. Pichlmeier, Kematen in der Geschichte, 1979; P. Pischl, Kematen. Ein Dorf im Wandel der Zeit, master´s thesis, Innsbruck 1991.