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Colonies, encouraged by the acquisition of the Low Countries, Naples and Sicily in the peace treaties of Utrecht and Rastatt (1713/1714) and backed by the theory of mercantilism, Karl VI pursued an active overseas trade and colonial policy. On the model of companies of other western countries, companies for overseas trade were founded in Ostend, Antwerp and Trieste with the aim of establishing colonial enterprises. These aims were obstructed by the lack of trade capital and a fleet which could have protected the overseas settlements. Consequently the settlements of the Ostend Company in Bengal were short-lived, as were the dependencies founded by W. Bolts in the Delagoa Bay (Moçambique, 1777), on the Malabar Coast (India, 1778) and on the Nicobar Islands (1778-1782).


F. Babudieri, L´espansione mercantile austriaca nei territori d´oltremare nel XVII secolo e suoi riflessi politici ed economici, 1978.