Kompert, Leopold#
Kompert, Leopold, b. Mnichovo Hradiště, Czech Republic (then Muenchengraetz), May 15, 1822, d. Vienna, Nov. 23, 1886, narrative writer and journalist. 1843-1847 tutor to the children of Count G. Andrássy in Pressburg. From 1840 literary contributions to magazines, 1848-1852 feuilleton editor of the "Oesterreichischer Lloyd", 1852-1857 tutor in Pest, Hungary, from 1857 free-lance writer. Created the "juedische Problemnovelle", novellas describing the problems of Jews in the Bohemian ghettos ("Aus dem Ghetto", 1848; "Neue Geschichten aus dem Ghetto", 2 vols., 1855). As a city councillor of Vienna (1873-1881) and member of the executive committee of the Jewish Community he fought for the assimilation and integration of Jews. His circle of friends included H. Laube, F. Kuernberger and E. Kuh.
Further Works#
narratives: Boehm. Juden, 1851; Geschichten einer Gasse, 2 vols., 1865; Franzi und Heini, 1881. - Novels: Am Pflug, 2 vols., 1855; Zwischen Ruinen, 3 vols., 1875. - Edition: Saemtliche Werke, ed. by S. Hock, 10 vols., 1906 (with biography); Ghetto-Geschichten, ed. by B. Bittrich, 1988.Literature#
T. Winkelbauer, L. K. und die boehm. Landjuden, in: H. O. Horch and H. Denkler (eds.), Conditio Judaica, part 2, 1989; M. T. Wittemann, Draussen vor dem Ghetto. L. K. und die "Schilderung jued. Volkslebens" in Boehmen und Maehren, 1998.