Hospitals, according to the law on hospitals (Krankenanstaltengesetz) hospitals are institutions staffed and equipped for the diagnosis and surveillance of the physical well-being of people by way of examinations, for the performance of operations, for the prevention, improvement and cure of diseases by way of treatment, for childbirth and artificial fertilisation. Hospitals treat in-patients and out-patients.
General hospitals are intended to serve all people without regard to
sex, age or form of medical treatment. In terms of services rendered 3
types of hospitals are distinguished: general hospitals providing
basic medical care for an area with about 50,000 to 90,000
inhabitants, special hospitals for special medical care for about
250,000 and 300,000 inhabitants and central hospitals, which are
equipped according to the latest medical knowledge. University
hospitals are always central hospitals.
Specialised health and medical care facilities are designed for a
certain group of people, for certain diseases (e.g. lung diseases),
certain age groups (e.g. hospitals for children) and certain purposes
(e.g. military hospitals) Public hospitals must be open to the public
and are non-profit making. Private hospitals can be profit-making or
non-profit making.
The largest hospitals in Austria are: the Vienna General Hospital
(AKH, with university centre, 2,055 beds), the Landeskrankenhaus
(Provincial Hospital) in Graz (with university centre, 1,988 beds),
the Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt (1,733 beds), the Landeskrankenhaus
Innsbruck (with university centre, 1,485 beds) and the
Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg (1,282 beds).
Historical background: In early Christianity a "hospital" was an
accommodation for travellers, which later became a religious and
social institution of the church. In the Middle Ages monastic orders
(Cistercians), orders of knighthood (Knights Hospitallers of the Order
of St. John) and reformed orders were dedicated to medical care.
Hospitals resembled churches (they had a large hall with niches for
the beds and an altar at the eastern side). In the towns "citizens'
hospitals" were founded as institutions for the poor. In the High
Middle Ages isolated institutions were established for people with
infectious diseases (leprosy, plague) on the outskirts of towns. Since
the middle of the 16th century the order of the Brothers
Hospitallers has been dedicated to hospital work; hospital were given
their own surgeons and trained medical staff. The Vienna General
Hospital was opened under the reign of Joseph II in 1784; this
meant a final separation of almshouses from hospitals. From the middle
of the 19th century onwards hospitals were founded in most
district capitals, based on the imperial sanitary laws. During the
2nd half of the 20th century, most hospitals have
been extensively enlarged and modernised.
The provinces of Austria have the duty to guarantee medical service in
hospitals by operating public hospitals or by agreements with carriers
of other hospitals.
Hospital financing: Hospitals have a permanent income from
standard daily charges (paid by the social insurance agency per
patient-day; these charges differ from province to province and in
1995 already covered less than 40% of the cost of hospital
accommodation and treatment), hospital accommodation and treatment
charges, special charges (for higher categories, mostly paid by
private insurance agencies), and contributions made by the patients.
For out-patient treatment hospitals receive out-patient benefits.
As the income does not cover costs, until 1996 losses were compensated
by the Krankenanstaltenzusammenarbeitsfonds, the provinces,
municipalities, legal entities and hospital catchment areas delineated
by the provinces and required to pay contributions. A system of
performance-related hospital financing (LKF) came into force in 1997.
Provincial hospital finance funds, drawing on resources provided by
the federal government, the provinces, the municipalities and social
insurance institutions, were set up to implement the system. The
services rendered by the hospitals are paid according to a points
system. Pending further notice the LKF system is valid until December
31, 2000. University centres in hospitals are paid for teaching and
Teaching and training in hospitals: General practitioners are
required to pass at least 3 years of training in a hospital. For
medical specialists on-the-job training in hospitals lasts several
years. Medical staff with a diploma, midwives, various kinds of
medical technologists and nursing staff can only be trained in a
hospital. Hospitals also provide further education and special
training for medical staff.
In 1996 2,271,660 patients were treated in Austrian hospitals,
totalling 21,351,162 patient-days. Whereas from 1970 to 1996 the
hospitalisation rate increased from 132 to 249 (patients per 1,000
people), the average duration of hospitalisation fell from 17 to 9.6
Gesundheitswesen in Oesterreich, ed. by Verband der Versicherungsunternehmungen Oesterreichs; H. Ingruber, Krankenhausbetriebslehre, 1994; M. Binder, in: T. Tomandl, System des oesterreichischen Sozialversicherungsrechts, 1994; Federal Ministry for Labour, Health and Social Affairs, Das Gesundheitswesen in Oesterreich, 21998.