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unbekannter Gast


Kuchl, province of Salzburg, market town in the district of Hallein, alt. 468 m, pop. 5,926, area 46.90 km2, situated in the Salzach Valley, south of Hallein. - Maternity home, schools: Hoehere technische Lehranstalt (HTL, upper-level technical school) for the wood industry and sawing technology with a research institute, vocational school, private school of interior design; Fachhochschule, gypsum extraction and processing, numerous wood-processing businesses (sawmills, joiner's shops, log house construction), machine construction (comminuting machines, combustion plants), building industry, summer tourism (99,558 overnight stays). - On Georgenberg hill (alt. 528 m, in the cadastral district of Georgenberg), which has been settled since the Neolithic, there was a Roman settlement called Cucullis, which is mentioned in the Vita Severini ("The Life of St. Severinus") and already had a Christian community; Late Gothic subsidiary church of St. Georg (tower from 1682); Late Gothic parish church with Late Gothic crypt, western gallery (1492) and old ledgers (13th to 17th centuries).


L. Ziller, Beitraege zur Geschichte von Kuchl, 1956; Marktgemeinde Kuchl (ed.), Heimatbuch Kuchl, 1980.