School Board, Provincial (Ger.-Landesschulrat), established by law in 1868 as the state school authority in the provinces, at present it consists of the president of the Landesschulrat, the committee of the Landesschulrat and the office of the president of the Landesschulrat. - The Landeshauptmann is president of the Landesschulrat. In Carinthia, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tirol, Vorarlberg and Vienna s/he is represented by a president with executive authority in all matters which the Landeshauptmann does not reserve for him/herself. The Committee is composed of the following members: as voting members (whose number depends on the relative strength of the political parties in the Landtag) the president of the Landesschulrat as chairman and members appointed by the provinces, among them parents of school children and teachers´ representatives; as members in an advisory capacity: members of legally recognised churches and religious communities, the head of the office of the Landesschulrat, provincial school-inspectors, the provincial school physician and representatives of interest groups with compulsory membership (e.g. the Chambers). The Committee deliberates and takes decisions on regulations and general orders of the Landesschulrat, proposals for appointments, the appointment of officials and experts´ opinions on bills and draft regulations.