Lehranstalten für Fremdenverkehrsberufe#
Schools of Tourism - Except for schools of cookery, which were founded towards the end of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy (especially that of the Innkeepers´ Co-operative of Landlords in Vienna in 1900) - schools of tourism were first founded in the Second Republic as tourism in Austria gained momentum. They were mainly established by the Chambers of Commerce with the help of private associations, gradually came under state administration and were later standardised. Since 1993 there have been public vocational secondary schools for tourism (Hoehere gewerbliche Lehranstalten fuer Tourismus) with five-year programmes, giving access to university studies, in Neusiedl, Villach, Krems, Bad Ischl, Bad Leonfelden, Siezenheim, Bad Gleichenberg, Innsbruck, Bludenz and in the 19th district of Vienna, as well as the Hotelfachschule, Tourismusfachschule, and Gastgewerbefachschule, each offering 3-year programmes with different emphasis on various subjects.