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unbekannter Gast

Miklas, Wilhelm#

b. Krems (Lower Austria), Oct. 15, 1872, d. Vienna, March 20, 1956, teacher at grammar schools; politician (Christian-Socialist). 1905 headmaster in Horn, 1907-1918 member of the Reichsrat, 1908-1918 member of the Lower Austrian Landtag, 1918 member of council of state, 1918-1919 member of the Provisional National Assembly, 1919-1920 member of the Constituent National Assembly, 1920-1928 member of the Nationalrat (1923-1928 President), 1919-1920 Subordinate Staatssekretaer for Cultural Affairs, from Dec. 10, 1928 (1931 re-elected) until March 13, 1938 Federal President. His administration was controversial because he failed to prevent the dissolution of the Nationalrat in 1933 and supported government policy based on the Kriegswirtschaftliches Ermaechtigungsgesetz (Wartime Enabling Act). Resigned in 1938 because he did not want to sign the act allowing the "Anschluss". After 1945 M. did not hold any political office.


F. Loidl (ed.), Bundespraesident W. M., Tatkatholik und Oesterreicher. Aus Reden und Schriften, 1974; NOeB; NDB.