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unbekannter Gast


Poeggstall, Lower Austria, market town in the district of Melk, alt. 462 m, pop. 2,732, area 58.87 km2, in the valley of the Weitenbach stream, in the southern Waldviertel Region. Due to its mild climate called "Merano of the Waldviertel Region"; near (Wuernsdorf) Hoelltal valley. - Branch office of the district gendarmerie and of the Federal Armed Forces, District Chamber of Agriculture, Economic Chamber, Road Management Authority, woodland nursery, multi-purpose hall; wood processing, storehouse, building firms, trade, transport companies - First documented mention 1135/1140; St. Anna parish church, late Gothic hall church (former castle church) with medieval stained glass and late Gothic double-winged altar (15th /16th century); late Gothic filial church of St. Anna im Felde (Saint Anna in the field) with murals (14th -15th century), Renaissance tomb (in 1590), tomb stones with coats of arms; in the palace (enlargement between 1478 and 1601), museum of the history of law (with preserved chamber of torture), imperial hall with stucco ceiling; dairy farm (16th  century), pilgrimage church Neukirchen in Gothic style with Romanesque core (12th century).


L. Neunlinger, Beitraege zur Geschichte der Herrschaft Poeggstalls, master's thesis, Vienna 1970.